MyGregor ® Station
MyGregor® is your guarantee for constant flow of fresh air and sleep comfort.
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Measures environmental characteristics: CO2, humidity, temperature, noise and light indoors. There is an option to measure radiation. The sensors constantly measure, collect and transmit in real time information about:
- СО2 - from 400 to 5000 ppm (parts per million).- Temperature - from -40°C to 125°C (Celsius).
- Relative Humidity - from 0 to 100%.
- Noise - from 29 to 116 dBA (decibels).
- Light - from 0 to 1000 lux
- Radiation (Option) measures alpha, beta and gamma (α, β and γ) radiation in μSv (microsieverts).
The information can be viewed in real time on the website and in the smartphone app. Different operating modes can be created and limit values of the measured parameters can be set. Combined with MyGregor Drive provides automated ventilation of the room in which they are placed.
Box contains: MyGregor station, USB-C power adapter

MyGregor® is your guarantee for constant flow of fresh air and sleep comfort
MyGregor ®'s innovative stand-alone aeration system takes care of the ventilation for you. Ensuring constant maintenance of natural level of carbon dioxide, our system provides a unique and undescribable sleeping experience so you can wake up fresh and rested.